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Biographical Information

Steve Vonder Haar

Research Director, Internet Infrastructure

Steve Vonder Haar is research director of Interactive Media Strategies and is responsible for tracking uses of online audio and video in fields ranging from enterprise streaming media to video-on-demand services. Prior to launching Interactive Media Strategies, Vonder Haar served as director of The Yankee Group's Media and Entertainment Strategies unit. In that role, Vonder Haar managed the Yankee unit focusing on the platforms, access services and user applications that make next-generation entertainment services possible. Areas of coverage under Vonder Haar's direction included multi-channel video services, high-speed Internet applications, telco video strategies, digital television, interactive television, set-top devices, T-Commerce and other topics related to the growing market for digital services. From 1995 to 2000, Vonder Haar worked as a senior writer for the trade publication Interactive Week, covering Web media, advertising, and electronic commerce. Previously, he also worked as technology reporter on the business desk of the Fort Worth Star Telegram from 1990 to 1995, and as a technology reporter for both the Dallas Times Herald (1989-1990) and Dallas Business Journal (1987-1989. Vonder Haar holds Bachelors Degrees in journalism and economics from the University of Missouri. He completed his Masters of Business Administration in finance from the University of Texas-Arlington in 1998.

Articles for Steve Vonder Haar

Video Sprawl in 2011: The State of the Enterprise

Industry leaders agree that this is the year enterprise video moves beyond ‘ego-casting' and training.

Eyes on the Enterprise: Save Money to Make Money

Lucrative opportunities await those who can integrate online video with other applications in a way that saves companies money.

The New Sophisticates: Enterprise Year in Review

While there are still plenty of newbies, most enterprises are savvier than ever about how to get the most out of online video.

Futurewatch: Enterprise—Bucking the Trend

All signs seem to point to a slow year for online video, but in the business webcasting sector, online multimedia spending could go up.

Choosing an Enterprise Webcasting Solution

Overcoming internal barriers to adoption can be as difficult as selecting the features you need.

Eyes on the Enterprise: All Mobile Devices Are Not the Same

Interest in mobile multimedia is on the rise, but to fully exploit its potential, the industry should learn some lessons from the corporate world.

Futurewatch 2009: What's in Store for the Enterprise?

In the first installment of our Futurewatch series, which will look at the trends, opportunities, and challenges that face the various vertical markets, we examine what 2009 is likely to bring to the enterprise market. Ironically, the bad news in the financial markets might just be good news for the enterprise video sector.
Wed., Nov. 26, by Steve Vonder Haar

Eyes on the Enterprise: Brave New Platforms

While the standardized template for business webcasts has forced innovation under the hood, significant change in on the horizon for developers of content creation tools and services.

Eyes on the Enterprise: Mo' Videos, Mo' Money—Solving the Problem of Network Cost

In a multimedia networking market where costs are king, IT executives are saying they prefer the most expensive, Cadillac-style solution to their troubles.
Mon., Oct 13, by Steve Vonder Haar

Eyes on the Enterprise: Enterprise Multimedia: The New Belle of the Conference Circuit?

Enterprise video may not be as sexy as consumer content, but it's finally getting the attention it deserves at this year's trade shows and conferences.

Eyes on the Enterprise: (Not So) Instant Karma

The online business multimedia market is facing down seemingly karmic retribution as it continues to grow steadily.

It's All About Integration: Enterprise Year in Review

For many, 2007 marked an inflection point in the evolution of the enterprise online multimedia technology industry. As adoption of the technology for business use continued to gain ground in the past year, a growing number of major technology vendors, such as Cisco Systems, began making bigger bets than ever before on the future of enterprise web video.

A Whole New World

For NEC Unified, video webcasting is lighting the path to the future.

Commentary: Eyes on the Enterprise—Can't Start a Fire...

Instead of pitching itself as a poor man’s answer to television, the web has to distinguish itself by the end-user marketing experiences it can uniquely deliver—especially when it comes to marketing and advertising.
Tues., August 7, by Steve Vonder Haar

Commentary: Eyes on the Enterprise—Cisco's Wake-Up Call

It might seem like a sleeping giant now, but the combination of Cisco and WebEx will do far more to transform the online video space than Google’s acquisition of YouTube last year.
Tues., May 29, by Steve Vonder Haar.

Coming of Age: 2006 Enterprise Year in Review

Personal web video publishing has sparked a sea change in the way companies view online multimedia. Now organizations want to use video for a broad communications platform, not just for presenting corporate events.

Case Study: Turning Training Into Profit

At Parts Now!, online multimedia is turning training into a new forum for boosting revenue. The 17-year-old distributor of computer printer parts has developed a strategy for using rich media to extend the reach of complex training sessions that are sold to companies and individuals seeking corporate accreditation in the repair of broken computer printers.

Eyes on the Enterprise: Streaming Media's Marketing Potential

The real opportunity of Web 2.0 does not come from figuring out a way to use the web to re-create media structures that already exist. The true value will be generated from the development of applications that uniquely utilize the capabilities of online multimedia technology.
Wed., Jan. 3, by Steve Vonder Haar

Eyes on the Enterprise: Streaming Video's Marketing Potential: Don't Believe the Hype

Excitement over the distribution of video via the web is conjuring up renewed visions of online market opportunity. Mainstream media outlets are once again publishing ever more frequent stories about start-ups carving out new businesses in the online video sector. Venture capitalists are calling my office more often, trying to get a handle on the next big thing to incorporate web video.

The Enterprise Streaming Sales Process

Enterprise streaming video solutions sell, but who's buying? Confusion on the part of resellers and executives make it tougher than it should be.
Wed., Oct. 18, by Steve Vonder Haar

Measuring ROI

Reduced travel and other cost savings aren't the only benefits that Web communications can bring your organization.

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